Sunday, February 19, 2006


Sitting in a cafe listing to 2 guys make a big deal over a spill most people would have walked away from. A girl begins to appreciate the way men move around her. Almost in time too. I spin out, like the wheels and watch the rain roll in. My blood pounds thick, hot, heavy like lava. Slow yet surging. My body waves. My spine waves. body spine rolling like a conversation that will never be quoted. Not because they were unnotices, but because they were innane.
Becoming overly attached to one person to the exclusion of all else only promotes the isolationist tendancy.
Love in a spiritual sense may only mean seduction to a higher leverof consciousness.
Don't be so asured of the importance of your message that you forget the fine art of delivery.
Nothing is by chance, everything happens because it has to.

Passion shows that all humans are fataly flawed.
When passion over powers reason evilness comes forth leaving paths of destruction bringing paths of pain and when all goes quiet you hear nothingness.
The eyes of those watching burn with madness and desire turns, running wild into the darkness leaving a flaw within reason.

Never put butter on a burn
it keeps the heat in and the salt is bad for it.
Someones mother use to put bacon on a burn. NO, bacon on a cut to draw out the parisites. She'd learned that from a lover, who learned it from a different one, but not the one with the great parisite face.
All the doors are monitered.
I suppose it's so you can't sneak in or out. No walking along un-noticed here, thats how the parinoia begins or is the parinoia why they moniter.
Chicken or the egg - chicken or the egg
ticking of the clock the mind begins to beg
waver on the edge with butter on the burn cause the bacon is on the radiator and the doors are monitored.
(and you are here)
butter is bad for blood pressure but melts so lovely on the tongue. Bad blood to give into pressure
so hard when temptation spreads wide
having slunk along un-noticed pulling dark hunger from the mind
All the doors are monitered
And you are HERE


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